Learn On Line 2nd Edition

Online Learning, Google and MS Certification, and OER's, 2nd Edition

Started Jul 14, 2020


Full course description

Today’s world of “always connected” provides opportunities for us to further our education and skills like never before. Online learning with Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Open Educational Resources (OER) provide on-demand, any-time, any-place, learning. 
In this session, you will be introduced to the Madera Unified pilot program to deliver Professional Development through our new online platform called Learn.MaderaUnified.com. Courses are currently being developed and a small number of offerings should be available by early spring. As we build out the courses, we envision this platform to offer both required and career-enhancing skills for everyone.
We will then explore the benefits of professional certifications through Google and Microsoft. You will be provided with the information you need to prepare for and take the certification test.
Finally, we will explore the world of Open Educational Resources and discover the plethora of free course offerings from academic topics to personal enhancement all available on-demand, any-time, any-place and best of all, free!

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