
Thinking Maps

Started May 25, 2021


Full course description

This course is intended for all K-8th grade teachers who are new to Madera Unified. Teachers in K-8th grade who have been teaching in Madera Unified can also take this course to refresh their use of Thinking Maps with students.

This is a self-paced course. You will be developing each of the eight Thinking Maps as you go through the course.  You will be asked to share the Thinking Maps you create and the Maps built by your students. The use of appropriate content is required and will be monitored.

You must complete all the activities to complete the course.

Each module contains about 30 to 45 minutes worth of videos or reading. Plan on 1 to 1.5 hours per module to watch the videos and submit activities related to the content presented.

Sign up for this course today!
